IPL Hair Removal

Why have IPL Hair Removal?

IPL Hair Removal is a safe and non-invasive method for reducing and even permanently preventing hair growth.

It is a quick and simple treatment because the IPL machine is able to cover larger areas in one session that alternatives such as laser hair removal or electrolysis. Post treatment issues such as redness or soreness are minimal at worst and no downtime following and IPL session is needed.

Unlike other hair removal techniques there is no need to allow the hair to regrow between sessions - so you don't need to worry about having to look like a yeti for a few weeks! Additionally, due to the nature of IPL you won't experience the issue of ingrown hairs.

Following your first treatment you will notice that regrowth is lighter and softer and over the course of treatments it is possible to reduce regrowth significantly - up to 95% in many cases.

What is IPL Hair Removal?

IPL Hair Removal uses a speccially designed machine that emits a broad spectrum light in pulses. The light penetrates the skin and targets the root of the hair follicle where melanin is most concentrated.

As the light travels down the shaft of the hair follicle to the bulbous root the light energy is transformed into thermal energy and it is this heat that causes the follicle to enter a state of necrosis - or death if you prefer!

Hair is particularly persistent which is one of the reasons why several session are required for the best results but even if the hair follicle manages to return to an active state the hairs produced are lighter, softer and weakened for the next session.

The other reason that several sessions are required is that hair growth occurs in stages and at any time your hair follicles will be at any of these different stages and therefore more (or less) responsive to the IPL hair removal treatment.

Time between treatments is typically 4 weeks and generally 4-6 sessions will be needed, although this varies according to the area treated and your individual response to the treatment

Where can I have IPL Hair Removal?

IPL Hair Removal can be undertaken on the face (away from the eyes), the underarms, arms, legs, bikini line and toes!

IPL is also increasingly popular for men who suffer from hairy backs!

Book an IPL Hair Removal Session or a course of treatments

Note: Discount applied to booking multiple areas! Please enquire. 

Mini Area
Includes Mid-Brow, Upper Lip, Nipples, Toes, Fingers

Small Area
Includes Jawline, Chin, Navel

Medium Area
Includes Underarms, Full Bikini / Brazilian, Shoulders, Forearm, Face (Jawline, lip, chin and mid-brow)

Large Area
Includes Upper or Lower Leg, Arms, Upper Back, Lower Back, Chest, Stomach

Very Large Area
Includes Full Legs, Back, Chest & Stomach
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